Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Message From Mother Nature

Ask & Answer:

  • What is the main point of this article? They talking about the change from time to time of the Earth that leads to Global Warming.

  • List four vocabulary words that you do not recognize or understand, lookup the definitions, write them out using your own words. 
+ Torrential - heavy, relentless, violent.
+ Monsoon - wet season, rain a lot in this season.
+ Decades - a period of 10 years. 
+ Drought - long period time of dry, no precipitate.
+ Reluctant - resistant.

  • What is the difference between “weather” and “climate”? Weather is just yours observation from the sky, how you feel about it in the current time, present. Climate is the change of weathers through time, it is in the future. 

  • What are the examples listed in the article of “extreme weather”?

  • What experiences have you had with “extreme weather”? In this year, in Vietnam, in wet season, rain increase a lot and more heavily. In Pakistan, there is a big flood happening. 

  • What does the word “perception” mean? Understanding, consciousness, realization.

  • What is your “perception” of global climate change? In summer, the rain get heavier. We feel hotter every year and more pollution happen --> breath more heavily 

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Moon Cheese narrative

Once upon a day, long long ago, far far away, there is a world called Moon Cheese. No one knows about Moon Cheese but Moon Cheese itself does exist. Before, the Moon was big like the Earth but after an astroid crashed the Moon, a piece of Moon felt out and rounded up to be Moon Cheese like today. Moon Cheese have a great cimate cause it's in Milky Way so people can live there. There is a legend that say perhaps a mouse spaceship landed on Moon Cheese and the rust of its energy tank made Cheese spread all over the Moon. That's why people called it Moon Cheese.

From a cube of Cheese, first cheese man was created. This is the big step for cheese society and have a huge impact on Moon Cheese. Today, cheese man have created a lot of super high technology even higher than human. Each country on Moon Cheese have their own language and characteristics. Moon Cheese is a small plannet so there will be no cities, just countries and oceans. If there is a big event happening, countries will gather together like a nation and together work the problem out. Cheese men's appearance just like human and of-course they eat Cheese. On Earth, pretty much of everything needs electric to work, in Moon Cheese, they use the cheese oceans. As civilization grown, they built a system surround Moon Cheese to keep the resources so they will never run-out of resources.

On Moon Cheese, people move from country to country really easily. Every hour, there is a cloud that bring people from their country to other country. This happen in just 15 minutes cause the cloud moves really fast so 4 countries is an hour. The cloud ship always starts from Holland Cheese. That's why you don't need to plan so details for your trip. You can have a great holiday without worry about passport. Each country have one president and other high, important people. Each president have their own castle. Like Osama is the name of the Holland Cheese president. His castle is in 30 N, 45 E. Because there are just 4 countries in Moon Cheese so there is not much different region. On Moon Cheese, each country is a region. Each country have different cheese man characteristic and different climate. Geography will also be different in every country but not much. There are lots of place on Moon Cheese that you can visit. Like the Cheese museum, beach, Beverly Hills, store, plaza, ..... People here is really outgoing. They love the nature. Every cheese man house has a Cheese maker machine. They use it to make their own daily food. People here surfing a lot cause all countries are surrounding by water. Cheese man have different job like  human but everything have to related to Cheese. That's why this world call Moon Cheese.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

World Culture and Geography Study Guide

  • World Maps
  • Maps
  • Active Reader
  • Culture
  • Geography
  • 5 Geography Themes
  • Vocabularies
  • Family Tree

Family Project Reflection

After the family project, I presented and now Mr.Blake forces us to do The Reflection. So here we go:

Reflect to myself
Through the project, I have learn a lot, especially by others, not by myself. My parents didn't help me with this project because they are to busy to teach me but I have enough knowledge to handle this project and this is the perfect time to use the internet. But above all, I still learn a bit from my project. I see how hard my parents have put in their work to have enough money to afford my study fees and everything else. I also learn that Ao Dai and Non La are the two tradition clothes and accessories of Vietnamese women. Ao Dai always represents the naive, innocent of a woman. Through the project process, I find out lots of holidays in Vietnam and how to call them in English.

Reflect to others
From others presentation, I learn a lot from people background, their culture and Vietnam culture.
Ao Dai has variety similar kinds, not just one like Ao Dao Tu Than, Ao Ba Ba,... In different Vietnam region, different traditional. I also discover that Chinese have a very special type of bean that use to eat in special events. Russian have their milk, yogurt and sugar mixture desert. Really cool. They all are tasty. Also I know more about the traditional bull fight in Vietnam. The winner bull will be dead, not the loser one. Way different from my imagination.

After all, thanks to Mr. Blake project, I have a big opportunity to learn more about others and myself.