Tuesday, January 11, 2011

January 11th Homework

1/ Life in Vietnam would be perfect if everyone were totally equal.  Do you agree or disagree?  Explain your answer in complete sentences.
- No, absolutely not. In the story, everything does not turn out really good. If Vietnam full of everyone with equally in every way, there will be no diversity on this country. If  everyone all smart, this would be a tedious world. The more identical we are, the more worst team work result we have, no different idea. We don't have any extra knowledge, no thinking outside the box and no different style. Everything is just the way it is. Simple. Beside, we can't make everyone equal. Being different is what make us us and nothing can ever achieve the equally from us.

2/ You are designing a society in which everyone is equal. What are the laws?
- High class people have to share their money to other poor people.
- Everyone have to do one job, business and have to sell whatever the government want.
- Every children from 5 to 18 years old must show up at school 
- Gay people can't love other gay people, they have to marry to a girl like normal people
- ...

3/ What would you do to help people who were less capable mentally, physically, or socially to “catch up”?
- I would help them in anyhow in my ability like I meet an old woman is trying to pass the street with tons of cars are going completely bonkers, I will help her to pass the street without anything in return.

4/ What problems can you foresee that might come in a society with laws that force “equality for all”? How would you handle those problems?
- There will be no real genius found. If everyone equal, we can't say that person rich or that person poor. Everything in this world is just, I don't know, equally average?

5/ Do you believe that total equality is possible, or would human nature make sure that some people would eventually dominate others?
- Nope, never because making people equal is impossible. No one can naturally born and be exactly the same like another one. No matter how you try to make it equal from a world that everyone is different, this is impossible. Furthermore, no one gonna listen to one person forever and especially if that person force that someone do something they don't want to do, there is no way someone gonna listen to others' domination.

6/ In what situations have you felt similarly to any of the characters? What persons, places, or ideas from your own experience came to mind while you were reading this story? Try to list as least two examples.
- There was time when I was so angry and I want to destroy everything on my way. I tear my pillow out and jumping up and down on the bed. I think this situation of mine pretty is fit with Harrison breaking down the studio situation.
- While I read this story, there were lots of images just floating in my head like I can imagine how Harrison house is like and how does it shake when Harrison jumps. I can also see ahead of me the studio where the shooting happen and I can imagine George in person.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Tuesday November 2 homework

How does advertising influence consumption? 

In this modern world. Advertising play a very gigantic role. Even rural city also have papers and posters advertise for stuffs. TV, newspapers and computer are 3 places that u can find advertising on. Even now street, transportations, and airplanes have on themselves words, textures and images for advertising. That's why, advertising is so important for any cooperations or any industries. Because advertising is so popular that you can see it everywhere, customers may buy them if they see them. Advertising also works with consumption because they can warn the people that they are using to much resources and consequences if we are running out of resources. This makes we all have a better view for resources and do the consumption things better. No more wasting no matter you are so wealthy or not. 

Do you think citizens are sufficiently informed about the sustainability of our consumption habits? If not, how can we become more informed about sustainability issues?

Wealthy countries like America have lots of advertisement about sustainability but lots of them don't follow it and instead they don't even think about reduce their ecological footprint. Development countries like Vietnam doesn't talk much about sustainability issues but they do a good job on sustainability of their consumption habits.
Advertising is really popular now so we can pass the information to viewer. Advertisement has lots and lots of different kinds. Furthermore, each school can have lesson talking about sustainability. The government should encourage citizens to recycle things which help sustainability. 

Do you think these advertising techniques influence what you and your friends purchase?

Yes and indeed because advertising always talking and praising the good things about the theme that they are advertising about. It really brings out the good face of that item and after watching or looking at the advertisement, customers see how nice, how much benefit will they have if the bring home a BRAND NEW item. Without advertisement for that object, me and my friends wouldn't buy that thing maybe by it ugly appearance without knowing what it can do. Maybe we won't even know that object exist. 

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Few Example For Sustainable Development

- Using paper bag or even cloth bag [materials that u can use again many times or even recycle, NO plastic bag]
- Turn off light whenever u don't have to use it anymore
- Unplug things that u don't use for any purpose right now
- Share one big car with your family members
- Recycling paper
- Build house with enough room for your family members, it shouldn't be more
- Share old things with other people so they don't have to buy
- Grow a garden in your house for fresh fruit
- Recycle metals and other resources